Growing Hope: Our Giving Garden Ministry Blooms Great news from our garden! Catholic Relief Services has blessed our Giving Garden Ministry with a special grant that will help us expand our growing space. This gift means we'll be able to feed more families, share more fresh produce, and create an even more beautiful space for our community to come together. If you've ever planted a seed and watched it grow, you know there's something almost magical about a garden. It's a place where faith, hard work, and nature come together to create something truly special. Our garden has become more than just rows of vegetables – it's become a place where friendships grow alongside our tomatoes, where prayers are whispered among the bean poles, and where God's abundance is visible in every harvest. Want to be part of this growing ministry? Whether you have a green thumb or you're just learning to tell a weed from a seedling, we'd love to have you join us. Even an hour of your time can make a difference. Some volunteers come to plant or weed, others to harvest or deliver produce, and some simply to sit in peaceful prayer among the growing things. Your prayers are always welcome too – for good weather, abundant harvests, and the hands that tend our garden. As we expand our space, we're excited to see how God will use this ministry to feed both bodies and souls in our community. Come grow with us. The garden gate is always open. To learn more or volunteer, contact the parish office.